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Switch to NetBeans IDE


More and more developers are interested in switching to NetBeans IDE and taking advantage of all the features available right out-of-the-box. That's why we, the NetBeans community, launched this website. Read these developers' stories and learn why they switched to NetBeans IDE. Learn how NetBeans IDE improves developer productivity and how easy it is to make the switch.

Why Switch to NetBeans IDE

NetBeans provides you with a rich set of features and a more productive work environment than other IDEs. And it just works: you do not waste your valuable development time searching for plug-ins. NetBeans IDE allows you to create state-of-the-art Java applications whether they be standalone, web tier, mobile or J2EE.

Read the Top Reasons to Switch to the NetBeans IDE.

Why NetBeans?

Watch a Flash demo of the best NetBeans features in action!

Hear From People Who Are Switching

We've heard from many people who are switching from Eclipse and other IDEs. Read their true stories and learn why they are making the switch.

Read Real Stories from Developers.

Make the Switch to NetBeans

In direct response to developer demand for an easy migration away from Eclipse and other IDEs, NetBeans offers the Eclipse Project Import Module for a simple, easy-to-implement transition of Eclipse-based projects to the NetBeans IDE.

Read more on How to Make the Switch.

Join the NetBeans Community

There's a lot going on in the NetBeans community. To help you stay on top of the latest developments, you can check out the NetBeans Roadmap, subscribe to the NetBeans newsletters and chat with other developers. You can also contribute to the NetBeans community by submitting website content, editing the newsletter, and contributing code.

Find out more on the Community pages.

Why We Switched

Very good presentation on NetBeans 5.0 at Caixa Econômica Federal! I can make jokes with my friends who used to say NetBeans is not a good tool and that Eclipse is the better choice. One of those friends said to me: 'OK .... Now I need to re-evaluate my position ... (about Java IDEs).

Jean Madson


Downloads and Info
NetBeans IDE 5.5 download


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