Introduction to Facelets
This document takes you through the basics of using the
JavaServer Faces View Definition Framework
in NetBeans IDE. This framework is more commonly known as "Facelets".
At the end of this tutorial, you will have a simple Facelets
application, exactly as provided in the "Getting Started" section of
the official Facelets Developer Documentation.
When you deploy the completed application, you will be prompted to guess a number:
After you enter a number and click Submit, a JavaBean will act as the application's
controller, returning the following message if the number is too low...
...the following message if the number is too high...
...and, finally, it will congratulate you if the correct number is submitted:
Throughout this tutorial, we will make use of the Facelets Support Module for NetBeans IDE, created
and maintained by Petr Pisl and Daniel Boekhoff.
The following topics are covered below:
This tutorial can be completed in 20 minutes.
For more information on Facelets. For details on
support for Facelets in NetBeans IDE. All the
features provided by the Facelets Support Module for NetBeans are described here.
If you
are familiar with Facelets, you are welcome to contribute code to the Facelets Support Module
for NetBeans IDE.
Setting Up the Environment
Before you start writing your Facelets application, you have to make sure you have all of the necessary software
and that your project is set up correctly. Once you have installed
the Facelets Support Module for NetBeans IDE, you will have a wizard that sets up all the basic files
needed for a Facelets application.
Installing the Software
Before you begin, you need to install the following software on your
- Java Standard Development Kit (JDK™) version
1.4.2 (download)
or 5.0 (download)
- NetBeans IDE 5.5 or above. (This tutorial was written and tested under NetBeans IDE 5.5.)
- The NBM files that constitute the Facelets Support Module for NetBeans IDE (download)
After downloading and unzipping the ZIP file, you will have a set of NetBeans module (NBM) files.
Next, use the Update Center wizard under
the Tools menu to install them in the IDE. Choose "Install Manually Downloaded Modules (.nbm Files)"
in the first page of the Update Center wizard, browse to the downloaded NBM files, and
complete the wizard.
Directory Structure and Project Setup
The source structure of our application must include the Facelets JAR files,
the registration of the Facelets servlet in the web.xml file, as
well as some standard artifacts such as the home page.
Since we are using an IDE, we shouldn't need to create all these files by hand.
Instead, we have a wizard to do the work for us. Specifically, the final
panel of the Web Application wizard will be very useful in the context of
our Facelets application.
- Choose File > New Project. Under Categories, select Web. Under
Projects, select Web Application. Click Next.
- In the Name and Location panel, type NumberGuess in Project Name.
Change the
Project Location to any directory on your computer.
- Make sure that you select the Sun Java System Application Server
in the Server drop-down list.
- Leave all the other settings unchanged. Or, if you like, you can change them.
Facelets supports J2EE 1.4 as well as Java EE 5. Click Next.
- In the Frameworks panel, choose Facelets. You will see the following options:
The fields in the Configuration panel above provide the following:
- Debug. Specifies that the FaceletViewHandler will
print out debug information in an easy to use screen, whenever an error occurs
during the rendering process.
- Create Example Facelets Files. Specifies that two Facelets template files
will be created when Finish is clicked.
- Skip Comments. Tells the compiler to skip comments, which is true by default.
Even if you comment out code in your page, the tags will not be compiled but expressions (EL)
will be treated as if they were inlined and are still compiled and evaluated for output in the document.
Skipping comments will remove all comments completely from the document.
- Faces Suffix. Displays the suffix that will be used for Facelets files.
- Faces Servlet Mapping. Displays the servlet mapping as it will appear in the web.xml file.
The fields in the Libraries panel above provide the following:
- Registered Libraries. Specifies that a specific library, registered in the Library
Manager, will be put on the application's classpath by the wizatd.
- Create New Library. Lets you browse to a folder containing the Facelets JAR files.
- Don't append any new library. Specifies that no JAR files
will be added to the application's classpath by the wizard. As a result,
you will need to attach JAR files to the classpath yourself, after the
source structure is created, by using the Library Manager.
- Leave all the defaults unchanged. Click Finish.
The IDE creates the NumberGuess
project. The project contains all of your sources and
project metadata, such as the project's Ant build script. The project
opens in the IDE. You can view its logical structure in the Projects window (Ctrl-1):
- Without any programming whatsoever, you can already run your application.
Right-click the project node and choose Run Project. The server starts, if it
is not running already, and the application is deployed. The IDE's default browser
starts up, showing you the overview page.
The NumberBean
In this section, we refer to the The NumberBean
section in the Facelets Developer Documentation.
We create a JavaBean as a controller for our application, copied from
the Facelets Developer Documentation.
- Create a Java source file called
in a package called tutorial. Replace the content
with the following; to understand the code below,
read the comments that are embedded within it:
package tutorial;
import java.util.Random;
import javax.faces.application.FacesMessage;
import javax.faces.component.UIComponent;
import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
import javax.faces.validator.ValidatorException;
public class NumberBean implements Serializable {
protected final static Random rand = new Random();
protected int min;
protected int max;
protected int guess;
protected int actual;
// Default Constructor:
public NumberBean() {
this.min = 1;
this.max = 10;
// called by JSF to validate user input:
public void validate(FacesContext context, UIComponent component, Object value)
throws ValidatorException {
// coerce the value to an int:
try {
int param = Integer.parseInt(value.toString());
// validate param:
if (param > this.max || param < this.min) {
FacesMessage msg = new FacesMessage("Guess must be between "+this.min+" and "+this.max);
throw new ValidatorException(msg);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
FacesMessage msg = new FacesMessage("Must be a number");
throw new ValidatorException(msg);
// lazy generate our actual value:
public synchronized int getActual() {
if (this.actual == 0) {
this.actual = rand.nextInt(this.max-this.min);
this.actual += this.min;
return this.actual;
// our message for the response:
public String getMessage() {
if (this.guess == this.getActual()) {
return "Sweet, you got it right!";
} else if (this.guess < this.getActual()) {
return "Sorry, try something higher";
} else {
return "Too bad, go lower";
// other bean properties:
public int getMin() { return this.min; }
public int getMax() { return this.max; }
public int getGuess() { return this.guess; }
public void setMin(int min) { this.min = min; }
public void setMax(int max) { this.max = max; }
public void setGuess(int guess) { this.guess = guess; }
- Expand the Configuration Files node and
open the faces-config.xml file. Right-click
in the file and choose JavaServer Faces > Add Managed Bean,
as shown below:
- Next, fill the following values in the dialog box:
When you complete the wizard, you should see
the following entries added to the faces-config.xml file:
Creating Web Pages
In this section, we refer to the Creating Web Pages
section in the Facelets Developer Documentation.
- In the template-client.xhtml file, replace the
<ui:composition> section with the following:
<ui:composition template="/template.xhtml">
This text will not be displayed.
<ui:define name="title">
I'm thinking of a number from #{NumberBean.min} to #{NumberBean.max}. Can you guess it?
This text will also not be displayed.
<ui:define name="body">
<h:form id="helloForm">
<h:inputText type="text" id="userNo" value="#{NumberBean.guess}" validator="#{NumberBean.validate}"/>
<h:commandButton type="submit" id="submit" action="success" value="Submit" />
<h:message showSummary="true" showDetail="false" style="color: red; font-weight: bold;" id="errors1" for="userNo"/>
This text will not be displayed.
- Right-click the project, choose New > File/Folder
and then choose Facelets Template from the Web category. Click Next.
- In the Name and Location panel, notice that you can
select a layout style for your template, as shown below:
- Name the template response. In the
Folder field, browse to the web folder.
Accept the other default setting and click Finish.
- Replace the default content of
response.xhtml with the following:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<ui:composition template="/template.xhtml">
<ui:define name="title">
<ui:define name="body">
<form jsfc="h:form">
<input jsfc="h:commandButton" type="submit" id="back" value="Back" action="success"/>
Handling Navigation
In this section, we refer to the Handling Navigation
section in the Facelets Developer Documentation.
Here, we need to connect our pages together, via the faces-config.xml file.
- Right-click inside the faces-config.xml file
and choose Add Navigation Case. Define the case as follows:
When you complete the dialog box, you should see the following
in the editor:
- Right-click inside the faces-config.xml file
and choose Add Navigation Case. Define the case as follows:
When you complete the dialog box, you should see the following
in the editor:
- Hold down the Ctrl key and move the mouse over a reference
to one of the documents in your application as shown below, while
noticing that the reference to the document becomes a hyperlink:
When you click the hyperlink, the referenced document opens
in the Source Editor, so that you can begin editing it without
needing to look for it.
In this section, we refer to the Deployment
section in the Facelets Developer Documentation.
Deployment of our application means that we want to make it available
to the server, that the server should start if it is not already running,
and that the web browser should open to display the web application's
welcome page.
- At this stage, your project should look as shown
in the screenshot below:
Note: In the screenshot above, the highlighted files are the
only ones added to the original generated project structure.
- Right-click the project and choose Run Project.
The application is built, the server starts, if it is not already running, the
application is deployed to the server, and the browser specified in the IDE
opens, displaying the link to the Facelets Example Page.
Click it and you should see the application's client page, as shown at the
start of this document:
Next Steps
This is the end of the introduction to web development using Facelets
in NetBeans IDE. Note that the Facelets Support Module offers a lot more
functionality than is described here.
You are encouraged to continue your journey in the Facelets
framework by working through other tutorials described on
the Facelets Home Page.