Introduction to the Wicket Web Framework
This document takes you through the basics of creating reusable components
and assembling them into a web application. Each component consists of
a Java class and an HTML file. The framework that allows you to develop
your application in this way is called Wicket. In addition to its
component-based approach, a distinguishing feature of Wicket is the absence
of XML configuration files. Instead of an XML configuration file, you
use a Java class for application-wide settings, such as the identification
of a home page. Each widget in your web application is created in a Java class
and rendered in an HTML page. The Java class and HTML page must have
the same name and exist in the same source structure. They are linked
to each other via a Wicket identifier. You will be shown how the IDE
supports the development of component based applications so that
you can quickly and efficiently create reusable components that can
give your web application a consistent look and feel without
very much work on your part.
The following topics are covered below:
This tutorial can be completed in 20 minutes.
For more information on Wicket. For details on
support for Wicket in NetBeans IDE. If you
are familiar with Wicket, you are welcome to contribute code to the Wicket Support module
for NetBeans IDE.
Note: The Wicket Support module for NetBeans, which you will
use extensively in this tutorial, is incomplete. However, more than
enough functionality is provided for you to get started developing
Wicket applications. Where there are gaps in the functionality, they
will be mentioned in the instructions below.
Setting Up the Environment
Before you start writing your component based application, you have to make sure you have all of the necessary software
and that your project is set up correctly. Once you have installed
the Wicket Support module for NetBeans IDE, you will have a wizard that sets up all the basic files
needed for a Wicket application.
Installing the Software
Before you begin, you need to install the following software on your
- Wicket 1.2 or above (download)
- Wicket Support module for NetBeans IDE (click here to download from Plugin Portal)
- NetBeans IDE 5.0 or above. (This tutorial was written and tested under NetBeans IDE 5.5.)
- Java Standard Development Kit (JDK™) version
1.4.2 (download)
or 5.0 (download)
Creating the Source Structure of a Component Based Application
The source structure of our application must include the Wicket JAR files,
the registration of the Wicket servlet in the web.xml file, as
well as some standard artifacts such as the application class and a home page.
Since we are using an IDE, we shouldn't need to create all these files by hand.
Instead, we have a wizard to do the work for us. Specifically, the final
panel of the Web Application wizard will be very useful in the context of
our component based application.
- Choose File > New Project. Under Categories, select Web. Under
Projects, select Web Application. Click Next.
- In the Name and Location panel, type MyFirstWicketApp in Project Name.
Change the
Project Location to any directory on your computer.
- Leave all the other settings unchanged. Or, if you like, you can change them.
Wicket supports J2EE 1.4 as well as Java EE 5. A Wicket application can be deployed
to any server. Click Next.
- In the Frameworks panel, choose Wicket. You will be prompted to browse
to the top level of your Wicket download:
For example, browse to "wicket-1.2.2",
if that is the top level of your Wicket download:
- When the top level is correctly selected, the following
panel appears:
- Leave all the defaults unchanged. The fields in the panel above provide the following:
- Wicket URL Pattern. Adds the relative URL pattern to the web.xml file.
- Wicket Application Class. Specifies name of the class where the application-wide
settings, such as the home page, are set.
- Wicket Home Page. Specifies the name of the home page, which will consist
of a file called and xxx.html.
- Dummy POJO. POJOs are common artifacts in Wicket. Here, you can let the IDE
generate a simple, empty, JavaBeans file for you.
- Main Package. The Java package in which all the generated artifacts will be
put by the IDE.
- Add Example Formatting. Adds a reusable component, consisting of
a Java class and HTML file, as well as a CSS stylesheet, for defining a common header
for all your web pages.
Click Finish.
The IDE creates the MyFirstWicketApp
project. The project contains all of your sources and
project metadata, such as the project's Ant build script. The project
opens in the IDE. You can view its logical structure in the Projects window (Ctrl-1):
In the next section, we will explore each of these files in detail.
Examining the Source Structure of a Component Based Application
The IDE's Web Application wizard created a lot of files for us. Here,
we look at the files and see how they relate to each other within
the context of component based development.
- Let's begin by looking in the web.xml file, which is
the general deployment descriptor common to all web applications
that comply with the Servlet specification. Expand the WEB-INF folder
or the Configuration Files folder, open the file in raw XML view, and
notice the definition of the servlet:
Notice the value of the application class name. In the
next step, we will open the application class file
and inspect its content.
- Open the
com.myapp.wicket package in the Source Packages folder
and then open the file. It looks like this:
package com.myapp.wicket;
import wicket.protocol.http.WebApplication;
public class WicketApplication extends WebApplication {
public WicketApplication() {
public Class getHomePage() {
return Home.class;
This is the Java file that provides application-wide
settings, comparable to struts-config.xml in the
Struts framework and faces-config.xml in the
JSF framework. Notice the definition of the getHomePage() method.
This method is the minimum requirement of the
application-wide class. It specifies the first page (the home
page) that will be displayed when you deploy the
application. Notice that Home.class is returned. In
the next step, we will open the file
and inspect its content.
- Open
It looks like this:
package com.myapp.wicket;
public class Home extends WicketExamplePage {
public Home() {
The file is empty. Rendering of Wicket widgets
created in this file is done in a file with the
same name in the same source structure, which
can only be Home.html, which looks
as follows, currently:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='style.css'/>
<span wicket:id='mainNavigation'/>
Notice that in
we are extending WicketExamplePage. In Home.html
we have a wicket:id attribute, which tells
us that this is a placeholder
for something created somewhere by a Java file. Also, we have
a reference to the CSS stylesheet that the IDE generated for us. You
can find it in the Web Pages folder, in the Projects window. In the
next step, we will open WicketExamplePage
and examine its content.
- Open This is what
it looks like:
package com.myapp.wicket;
import wicket.markup.html.WebPage;
import wicket.model.IModel;
import wicket.util.string.Strings;
public class WicketExamplePage extends WebPage {
public WicketExamplePage() {
public WicketExamplePage(IModel model) {
final String packageName = getClass().getPackage().getName();
add(new WicketExampleHeader("mainNavigation", Strings.afterLast(packageName, '.')));
This is the class that we want all our
web pages to extend. For exxample, notice the line
in bold above. Every class extending WicketExamplePage
will inherit an instance of WicketExampleHeader. The
Wicket id is "mainNavigation", which is the Wicket id we
saw in the previous step, in the Home.html file. We
can refer to the "mainNavigation" Wicket id at the top
of all our HTML pages. This
ensures that all our web pages will have the same header. In
the next step, we will open
and inspect its content.
- Open This is what
it looks like:
package com.myapp.wicket;
import wicket.markup.html.basic.Label;
import wicket.markup.html.panel.Panel;
public class WicketExampleHeader extends Panel {
public WicketExampleHeader(String componentName, String exampleTitle)
add(new Label("exampleTitle", exampleTitle));
Notice the line in bold above. Here, we create
a Wicket Label widget. The WicketExampleHeader is a reusable
component. This is the Java side, where widgets are created.
Lets look at the HTML side, which is where we can
expect the Wicket Label widget to be rendered. In the
next step, we will open the WicketExampleHeader.html
file and inspect its content.
Now change the second argument to "My Very First Component Based Application",
so that the definition of the Label is now as follows:
add(new Label("exampleTitle", "My Very First Component Based Application"));
- Open
WicketExampleHeader.html. Notice that
it has the same name as the Java file we have
just looked at. It is found within
the same package structure. This is what it looks like:
<html xmlns:wicket>
<h1>Wicket Example</h1>
<p id="titleblock">
<b><font size="+1">Start of
<span wicket:id="exampleTitle">Example Title Goes Here</span></font></b>
Notice the line in bold above. This is
how you specify where a widget should be rendered
in the HTML side of a web page. Hold down the Ctrl
key and move your mouse over the value
of the wicket:id attribute in
the span tag. Notice that
the value turns into a hyperlink:
Click the hyperlink and notice that the Java side
of the web page opens and that the
cursor lands to the left
of the opening quotation of the Wicket identifier:
Now click the left arrow at the top of the Source Editor to
return to the HTMl page. In this way, you can navigate quickly
and efficiently between the two sides of Wicket components.
- Right-click the project and choose Run Project. The IDE compiles
the application, creates a WAR file, sends it to the deployment server,
opens the IDE's default browser, and displays the application:
Adding a Widget
In this section, we create our first widget in Wicket. Just like
most other artifacts in Wicket, a widget has a Java side and an HTML side.
On the Java side, the widget is created. On the HTML side, it is rendered.
In NetBeans IDE, tools are provided for you to generate stubs on both
the Java side and HTML side simultaneously. As shown previously, navigation
between the two sides is made possible via a hyperlink.
- Open Home.html. Notice the "Wicket" category
in the Component Palette:
Note: At the time of writing, the Border item in
the Wicket palette does not work.
- Drag the Label item into the HTML file, anywhere
between the HTML file's BODY tags, below the SPAN tag. When
you release the mouse, the following dialog box appears:
Note: Parts of this dialog box do not work yet.
- Leave all the defaults exactly as they are and click OK.
- Notice that the IDE generates a new HTML tag for you:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='style.css'/>
<span wicket:id='mainNavigation'/>
<span wicket:id="message1">this text will be replaced</span>
- Hold down the Ctrl key and move your mouse over the
value of the Wicket id, as shown below:
- The file opens and the cursor lands at the
start of the Wicket identifier on the Java side:
Note: The Wicket Label,
with the Wicket identifier, was created on the Java side when you dropped
the Wicket Label on the HTML side.
- Right-click the project and choose Run Project. When the
application is deployed again, you will see the Wicket Label,
rendered in the Home.html file:
- Add H2 tags around the SPAN tag in the Home.html file
and deploy the application again. Notice the result:
Note: You can create placeholders, just like the SPAN tag generated
in the Home.html file, and then hand the HTML file to your
web designer. While the web designer designs the web page, you can work
on the Java side and create the widgets completely independently. Since the
HTML tags are not embedded in the Java file, you and the web designer can
reap the rewards of Wicket's central focus of "separation of concerns".
Adding a Reusable Component
One of strengths of Wicket is the concept of "reusable components". Here,
in this section, we use a wizard to generate a panel, which again has
a Java side and an HTML side. We will create this panel so that we have
a footer that we will reuse in our web pages, so that the footer
is consistent across our web site. We will see how easy it is to add
a panel to a web page.
- Right-click the MyFirstWicketApp project node
and choose New > File/Folder. Under Categories, choose Wicket.
Under File Types, notice the following templates:
Note: At the time of writing, the BodyBorder template
does not work.
Choose Panel and click Next.
- Type FooterPanel in Class Name, select com.myapp.wicket
in the Package drop-down list, and notice the superclass we are using is
wicket.markup.html.panel.Panel. You should now
see the following:
Click Finish.
Notice that we now have two new files in our package,
FooterPanel.html and FooterPanel.html.
- Open FooterPanel.html and notice that the content of
the file is as follows:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<span wicket:id="message">this text will be replaced</span>
Between wicket:panel tags, a Wicket placeholder is found. Hold down
the Ctrl key, move the mouse over the value of the Wicket id, and click
the hyperlink that appears. The file opens,
the cursor landing at the start of the Wicket identifier. Notice that
a Wicket label has already been defined for us:
package com.myapp.wicket;
import wicket.markup.html.panel.Panel;
import wicket.markup.html.basic.Label;
public class FooterPanel extends Panel {
/** Creates a new instance of FooterPanel */
public FooterPanel(String id) {
add(new Label("message", "I am a reusable component!"));
- Our panel, while simple, is actually complete already. Lets add
it to the Homepage. Open and then create a new
instance of FooterPanel, by adding the following line to the end
of the Constructor:
add(new FooterPanel("footerPanel"));
- Next, we need to render the panel. Open Home.html
and add the placeholder tag right above the closing BODY tag,
making sure to use the same Wicket identifier as used in the Java file:
<span wicket:id='footerPanel'/>
- Run the project again. Notice that the panel is displayed,
exactly where the HTML file specified it should be rendered:
Note: In Wicket terminology, a panel is a reusable component. Exactly
as shown in this section, you can reuse the panel as often as you like
and in as many web pages as you fancy.
Next Steps
This is the end of the introduction to component based web development in
NetBeans IDE. You are encouraged to continue your journey in the Wicket
framework by working through the Pizza Application Sample described
in A First Look at the Wicket Framework
by David R. Heffelfinger.