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Localising NetBeans and Translating Web Site Content

If you're interested in translating the NeBeans IDE or website content into your native language, your help is very welcome - jump aboard!

Translating Website Content

Getting important web content translated into different languages is a high priority for the project. Obviously translating - and maintaining - the whole website is a huge and unrealistic task, so we've prepared a short list of "essential" website docs. We consider these docs essential reading for any new visitor to the site, who perhaps doesn't yet know what NetBeans or netbeans is. These few docs should be the first things translated into any new language, to make sure the minimum essential info is available to every newcomer, regardless of what language(s) they speak.

How to get started

  • Check the status page to see what needs doing;
  • Post a note, so others know you are working on that page, just in case someone else is too!
  • Find the page you want to translate That site is a copy of the main www site, without all the wrapped navigation. So to translate this page, you would go to.
  • In your browser, choose View -> Source. Copy-paste the whole source to a local file. Please do not use File -> Save As!
  • Start translating!
  • Please use UTF-8 encoding where possible.
  • Send your translated html versions as email attachments to webmaster at netbeans dot org. Thanks!

What to Translate

Please first check the status page to see which of these pages have not been translated.

  1. Welcome to NetBeans template: This page is a first introduction to NetBeans, and should serve as the netbeans home page for each language. If you don't have much time, but want to help, this is the most important page — just translate this one!
  2. Mailing Lists Overview: Basics of mailing lists on netbeans, including info about NNTP access, list etiquette, and links to all lists. Translators might want to add a note to this page (eg by the "Top Level Lists" link) if a list is available in their language, and listed on that page.
  3. Products Intro pages including the short IDE intro text: A quick introduction to the NetBeans IDE and NetBeans Platform.
  4. Contributing Introduction: A list of ways to contribute to the project, highlighting that it's not all about source code!
  5. The Sources : This page outlines the basics for people who want to dive into the source code.

Once those are done, you can start on some more solid user documentation :

  1. NetBeans IDE Quickstart Guide
  2. NetBeans IDE 5.5 Quick Start Guide for Web Applications

What's Already Been Done?

Please check the website localisation status page before you start work, to avoid duplicating effort. If you plan to start on a page, please post a note, so others know you will be working on it.

Translating The Edge, The Monthly Newsletter

The Edge is a monthly HTML newsletter, sent to the nbannounce mailing list and archived on the site. If you'd like to help translate an issue into your native language, please see the Newsletter Translation Guide.

Localising the NetBeans IDE

Join the community driven effort to translate the IDE into your native language. The translatedfiles project is where it all happens. To get started :

  • Check out the docs and HOWTOs on the translatedfiles website, get a feel for what's involved and what's required;
  • mailing list and post an introductory message stating what language you'd like to help with. There may be other users already working on localisation into that language, so use the list to co-ordinate your efforts.

General Advice


If you are translating any of these pages, please use UTF-8 encoding where possible. If you don't know what that means, or how to do it, don't worry! Send in whatever you can, and we'll work it out on this end.


If you need to make updates to translated content, it might be easier to submit patches for the HTML, rather than the whole updated file. See the "Contributing HTML" guide, specifically the updates section.