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CVS Branches and Labels

The NetBeans source is organized in terms of CVS branches and labels. Currently the interesting ones are:
  • The CVS trunk. Now and in the future, new functionality that is reasonably stable (does not break anything else) goes into the trunk. This code is used to make regular daily development builds.
  • Q-Build branches. Roughly once in two weeks a development build is made which has been vetted for quality. Each such "Q-build" gets its own CVS branch, which usually diverges from the trunk in only a few files which needed to be patched to fix high-impact bugs.
  • NetBeans Release 6.0: the CVS branch release60 holds sources for the NetBeans 6.0 stable release.
  • NetBeans Release 5.5: the CVS branch release55 holds sources for the NetBeans 5.5 stable release.
  • NetBeans Release 5.0: the CVS branch release41 holds sources for the NetBeans 5.0 stable release.
  • NetBeans Release 4.1: the CVS branch release41 holds sources for the NetBeans 4.1 stable release.
  • NetBeans Release 4.0: the CVS branch release40 holds sources for the NetBeans 4.0 stable release.
  • NetBeans Release 3.6: the CVS branch release36 holds sources for the NetBeans 3.6 stable release.
  • NetBeans Release 3.5: the CVS branch release35 holds sources for the NetBeans 3.5 stable release.
  • NetBeans Release 3.4.1: the CVS branch release341 holds sources for the NetBeans 3.4.1 stable release.
  • NetBeans Release 3.4: the CVS branch release34 holds sources for the NetBeans 3.4 stable release.
  • Sun ONE Studio (formerly Forte for Java) 4.0: the CVS branch orion_fcs is used for Sun's Sun ONE Studio (Forte for Java) Community Edition 4.0. This branch is almost identical to release33 (below) for most modules. sierra is used for 4.1.
  • NetBeans Release 3.3.x: the CVS branch release33 holds sources for the NetBeans 3.3.x stable releases.
  • Sun's Forte for Java 3.0: the CVS branch pilsen holds sources for Sun's Forte for Java Community Edition 3.0. For most modules, this is based off of NetBeans Release 3.2 (below) with no or very limited changes. For web, j2eeserver, and logger modules this branch contains distinct lines of development.
  • NetBeans Release 3.2.x: the CVS branch release32 holds sources for the NetBeans 3.2 and 3.2.1 releases.
  • NetBeans Release 3.1: the CVS branch release31 holds sources for the 3.1 release of NetBeans.
  • NetBeans Release 3.0: the CVS branch stable30 holds the source for a former stable NetBeans release. It is based off of the postfcs branch, below.
  • Sun's "Boston" branch: the CVS branch boston was reserved for stabilization of the FFJ 2.0 release.
  • Sun's post-FCS branch: the CVS branch postfcs is reserved for the code line used for the 1.0.x versions of FFJ, including a number of module updates.
  • gandalf branch represents the 1.0 released IDE, pre-updates.

General principles of using branches in CVS:

  • The CVS trunk (main version numbers, such as 1.23) should be used for ongoing development of the IDE. Code checked into the trunk should be reasonably stable (i.e. it should compile and at runtime should not cause the IDE to be unusable, especially in terms of interfering with other modules or components of the IDE). It need not be perfect.
  • Branches may be created by developers for purposes of checkpointing experimental code which is not expected to be stable for a long period of time. These branches may be created as needed, possibly on a per-module basis. Module pages should document branches they are using.
  • Stabilization branches, which should be documented here, and are used to stabilize the entire IDE in preparation for an official release of some sort. Commits to these branches should be to fix important bugs, not to add new functionality; and such bugfixes should be also applied immediately to the trunk (assuming they apply). The NetBeans team may create such branches and other parties who are interested in producing a release may also create them. Since stabilization branches exist in the public repository, anyone can take advantage of testing and fixes done on these branches.

If you get access to the CVS server for checkin, please make sure you understand what the different branches are being used for, and check in onto the appropriate branch, with an appropriate amount of pre-checkin testing.

If you are contributing a new module to the NetBeans source repository, though, you are of course the owner of this code and can decide how it should be organized - in terms of whether and how to use branches, who should have write access to the source code, etc.

People who wish to make new branches in CVS (especially for holding experimental codelines) should first understand the issues involved in this, and what to do to make the branching be safe and effective. For this reason, there is a paper on branches in CVS.

Naming Conventions

Branches in CVS should be named as follows: if they represent a stabilization branch, they should be named with release followed by the expected IDE version number of the release, sans punctuation, e.g. release31 for the 3.1 release. Experimental branches should be named according to the affected module (if applicable), a description of the implemented feature or reason for branching, and an associated Issuezilla issue number: for example, java_new_parser_26113. All branches should be rooted from an existing non-branch tag; this could be a build tag, but recommended is to create a special root tag ending in base, for example release31_base. This can be useful for subsequent merging.

Build tags in CVS for the trunk should be named e.g. BLD39; for a branch, say sandwich, they should be named e.g. sandwich-BLD7.

Builds should be named according to the product they represent (for open source builds, NetBeansIDE or NetBeansPlatform); then the code branch they are built from (for example, release35, or simply dev for trunk development builds); and then a build number. For example, or

Modules are given a short and punctuation-free name for use in CVS, build scripts, etc. For example, jarpackager or image.

Directory Structure

The NetBeans CVS repository is organized by "modules", which in most cases means an actual IDE module, but can also mean special distinguished parts of the source base such as the Open APIs. Refer to the modules list for a complete list of these modules.

Within a module, there can be various files and subdirectories. There are certain special naming conventions used mainly to increase clarity and familiarity of the source organization. A module may have any of the following subcomponents:

  • src/ - the Java source code for a module. This is arranged in a package hierarchy. For example, the Form Editor module contains a source file in the path form/src/org/netbeans/modules/form/
  • - the JAR manifest for the module. In the case of real IDE modules using the Open APIs, this manifest contains special attributes informing the IDE of what the module contains, as well as metainformation such as name and version.
  • libsrc/ - source code for any libraries associated with the module. Some "modules" are just a library. Again this is a package hierarchy. For example, the Editor module includes source code for the NetBeans-specific portions under src/, but general code to implement a Swing EditorKit is under this directory - for example, editor/libsrc/org/netbeans/editor/
  • javahelp/ - JavaHelp files and HTML for online documentation for the module, as specified in the Open APIs. In a package hierarchy. This may be placed inside the module JAR, or in the docs/ directory in an IDE installation. For example, crosscompile/javahelp/org/netbeans/modules/crosscompile/CCHelpSet.hs.
  • build.xml - Ant-based build script for the module.
  • test/ - test suites, probably using XTest.
  • release/ - files to be placed in the IDE's installation directory, rather than in the module JAR itself. Subdirectories should match the installation structure. For example, form/release/beans/TimerBean.jar. Only used for CDDL-covered files.
  • external/ - third-party files not covered by the Common Development and Distribution License.
  • www/ - HTML web content for the module's associated minisite. For example, form/www/index.html is the index page.
    • www/plans/ - planned and implemented features for the module as described in the Feature List document.
  • apichanges.xml - list of API changes made to the module, in a standardized XML format
  • src/.../package.html and src/.../doc-files/*.html - documentation for the API.
  • arch.xml - architectural descriptions of a module in a standardized XML questionnaire format
More standard names can of course be added if there is a conventional use for them.

Virtual Modules

CVS also permits us to provide "virtual" modules which are built of pieces of physical modules. For example, some developers will want access to all source code at once, without having to check out different top-level modules, find the src/ subdirectories, and deal with them separately. So you can instead check out nbsrc as a module, and get the source code from the core and all stable modules and libraries together in one package hierarchy - for example, you would get nbsrc/org/openide/actions/ from the physical location openide/src/org/openide/actions/ However you cannot build the IDE from such a checkout, you need the straight repository structure of sources for that. Such aliases are only good for looking at sources, not using them.

It is easy for the CVS administrator to create and modify virtual module mappings. Once you have one checked out, you can use contained sources from CVS just like plain modules - diff them, update them, check in, etc. (Just don't use cvs update -d on directories with nonstandard structure because CVS will get confused.)

netbeans's CVS repository has a number of existing virtual module definitions. Major ones include:

Module name Directory created Contents Safe for cvs up -d
all many directories: core, openide, ... everything in the repository yes
standard as above everything in the repository needed to create a build with the standard module configuration used in releases yes
core, java, ... (same as module name) just that one component, but everything in it yes
nbsrc nbsrc all source code (but not manifests, JavaHelp documentation, etc.) no
src_exper nbsrc experimental module source no
src_basic_modules nbsrc stable module source no
src_core nbsrc IDE core source code no
src_basic nbsrc all stable source, modules and core and libraries no
src_editor, src_openfile, ... nbsrc source for a module, section of a module, library, etc. no
nbmanifests nbmanifests all module manifests no
mani_java, mani_projects, ... nbmanifests manifest for the given module no
nbdocs nbdocs all IDE documentation no

For a current list of available modules, use cvs checkout -c. The IDE's mount configuration dialog also lets you pick one from a list box.